Welcome to BS Education!
This web site is established in order to unify all of Bulent Senver’s academic efforts. This site aims to gather all information in one single platform, both for students and all who is simply interested in learning and personal growth.
Please tick the Student Form complete the form & register yourself to BS data base.
Please insert your Nick Name in the box as follows: (name.surname) example (ali.kurnaz)
BŞ Eğitim sitesine hoş geldiniz.
Lütfen Öğrenci Bilgi Formu tıklayıp formu doldurun ve BS data bankasına kaydınızı yapın.
Lütfen kutu içine Rumuz Bilgisi olarak isim.soyadı giriniz örnek (ali.kurnaz)
Bülent Şenver web page www.bulentsenver.net
Here is what BS picked out for you today: